"For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s." 1 Corinthians 6: 20

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Galatians 4

When I began reading this chapter, I honestly didn't know what I could take from it. This week has been crazy and I haven't kept up my devotionals as I should have.

I did see in this chapter a reminder that we are all God's children. It is our responsibility and should be our joy to spread the good news of Christ's love for all. Unfortunately, I think we forget how blessed we are to be called God's children. Time to remember!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Faith and Works- Galatians 3

Faith, complete faith in god, is something all Christians strive for. But it is not something we get after so many stars on the board or pay raises. We can't work for it, we just must do it. To follow Christ is to follow the law. These guidelines are what bring us closer to God. Now here's the part I liked: the more we follow the law, the closer to His character we will come.

verses 23-28:

"But before faith came, we were kept under guard by the law, kept for the faith which would afterward be revealed. Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise."

Sunday, September 9, 2012

On to Galatians! Chapter 2

Paul discusses how different people reach audiences for God. For example, he preached to the Gentiles and Peter to the Jews. Paul points out however, that every man is a sinner, all need faith and a trust in God. No works will save, but pure faith will. Then Your pure faith will manifest itself through your good works for others!

"For I through the law died to the law that I might live to God. I have been crucified with Christ it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me."

Galatians 2:19, 20

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Happy Sabbath!

Psalm 71:8 NCV

"I am always praising you; all day long I honor you."

Today especially! After a fantastic vespers service last night to welcome the Sabbath, I am especially glad for a break from school and focusing on other things to rest and worship God. I hope though, that throughout this coming week, I can do exactly what this verse says.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Chapter 16

I have reached the end of 1 Corinthians, and looking back, I think it has been quite insightful for me. The last chapter has two verses that I love: verses 13 and 14:

"Be alert. Continue strong in the faith. Have courage, and be strong. Do everything in love."

So do that; today, tomorrow— every morning you wake up, decide to keep you mind and heart open.

See what God will do. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Lot of 1 Corinthians 15

The last verse of this chapter is what has really resonated with me the most today. Chapter 15 in quite long, and I read it from two different versions today, the NKJV and the New Century Version (currently my two favorites).But before I get to the last verse, I want to talk about the bulk of the chapter— the resurrection. I did not know that Paul talked about the second coming of Jesus in 1 Corinthians! I felt like I was reading a long-lost chapter of Matthew today! Starting in verse 12, Paul starts getting on the Corinthians case:
    Now since we preached that Christ was raised from the dead, why do some of you say that people will not be raised from the dead? If no one is ever raised from the dead, then Christ has not been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is worth nothing, and your faith is worth nothing. And also, we are guilty of lying about God, because we testified of him that he raised Christ from the dead. But if people are not raised from the dead, then God never raised Christ. If the dead are not raised, Christ has not been raised either. And if Christ has not been raised, then your faith has nothing to it; you are still guilty of your sins. And those in Christ who have already died are lost. If our hope in Christ is for this life only, we should be pitied more than anyone else in the world.

I know, it's a little long, but he makes a good point. If Jesus wasn't raised from the dead, that means no one can be raised from the dead, which means that life is pointless, because there is no second coming or eternal life. 

Skip down a bit to verses 23 ad 24:

      But everyone will be raised to life in the right order. Christ was first to be raised. When Christ comes again, those who belong to him will be raised to life, and then the end will come.

This is where I get confused with those who say that when you die you go straight to heaven. Not only here in Corinthians but in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17, and John 14:3 among others, do Jesus and other apostles say how Jesus will come back to get all His children. They aren't just there in heaven as soon as they die. Those who die don't have to watch the earth while impatiently waiting for the end to come. I think that would be unfair. Either way, I'm going with the Bible on this one.

Alrighty, this is getting long, so I'm going to get ready for Project Impact! (a day off from classes to do community service with about 700-800 other people) end with the final verse of 1 Corinthians, which is strangely perfect for today:

     "So my dear brothers and sisters, stand strong. Do not let anything move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your work in the Lord is never wasted."

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Love Chapter- 1 Corinthians 13

Usually this chapter is read on its own. As a lovely and poetic chapter, it is great to read, and serves as a good reminder on what true love is. But tucked into the last chapters of a letter to the Corinthians, I must admit, it is a little out of place. I had never read chapter 13 in context before today. Was Paul trying to connect love and faith to spiritual gifts from chapter 12? There really is not introduction from the last verse of chapter 12 to the first of chapter 13. I suppose they are connected. Paul talks about being an eloquent speaker, and having the gift of prophecy and understanding. Then he states "but [if] I have not love, I am but nothing (verse2b)." This could be a spin-off on the fact that, yes, spiritual gifts are great, and given to you by God to use for His glory. BUT, if we aren't using it for His glory in LOVE, we might as well not even be. How interesting! It all makes sense! i know chapter 14 will wrap it up, but I have to save that for tomorrow, because classes call me.

Live in love, no matter what you do!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Gifts- 1 Corinthians 12

There is only one Holy Spirit, because we serve one real God. But did you know that spiritual gifts are the manifestation of the Holy Spirit?! Yeah, check out verse 7:

     But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all;

Our gifts are also given for the benefit of everyone, not just ourselves. So if we are not using our gifts for God, it's like burning up blank paper, or scrubbing the floor with a brand new dress. We need to use what we are given to its purpose, in this case; our gifts to glorify God.

Please go read the whole chapter, because you might gain something I didn't!

Monday, September 3, 2012

1 Corinthians 11:1- Represent

Verse 1: "Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ." NKJV

Paul seems quite confident in his representation of Christ. The song, Well Done by Moriah Peters goes along perfectly with what Paul is saying:

     If people walk with me, talk with me looking for truth
     They're gonna find out soon,
     If they're following me then they're gonna follow You.

That's how I want to live. How about you?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

1 Corinthians 10

This chapter contains two of my favorite verses: verses 13 and 31.

1 Corinthians 10:13 is a reminder that God will not abandon us when we are tempted. In fact, He won't let us be tempted beyond what we can handle. On top of that, He will make a way of escape! I think this is one of the coolest promises in the Bible. Think about it this way, next time you want that doughnut, or next time that pop up comes around, you can say to yourself, "I can be strong, I can deal with this and resist the temptation, because God is NOT going to allow me more than I can bear." How cool is that?! You and God will be pushing down temptations left and right. Definitely an amazing promise of the Bible.

1 Corinthians 10:31, Paul tells the Corinthians that no matter what we do, do it for the glory of God. Even if you know something is ok, but if even one person thinks it isn't, don't do it. You are looking out for them, not for you. This goes off of 1 Corinthians 8 verses 9 and on. Don't be a stumbling block to others. Their salvation is more important than you personal tastes and styles, or whatever else could get in the way.

Just be a light to others!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Happy Sabbath

"God has made us what we are. In Christ Jesus, God made us to do good works, which God planned in advance for us to live our lives doing."  Ephesians 2:10 NCV

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Stumbling- 1 Corinthians 8

Today's a good one! In this chapter Paul is discussing idols' food. In my head as i read this I replaced idols with other controversial items that don't affect our salvation (like what we eat, jewelry/ what we wear). Right off the bat Paul says he knows that we are all smart, but God shows us what's good and not good. This chapter is pretty self-explanatory:

"So this is what I say about eating meat sacrificed to idols: We know that an idol is really nothing in the world, and we know there is only one God. Even though there are things called gods, in heaven or on earth (and there are many "gods" and "lords"), for us there is only one God—our Father. All things came from him, and we live for him. And there is only one Lord—Jesus Christ. All things were made through him, and we also were made through him.

But not all people know this. Some people are still so used to idols that when they eat meat, they still think of it as being sacrificed to an idol. Because their conscience is weak, when they eat it, they feel guilty. But food will not bring us closer to God. Refusing to eat does not make us less pleasing to God, and eating does not make us better in God's sight.

But be careful that your freedom does not cause those who are weak in faith to fall into sin. Suppose one of you who has knowledge eats in an idol's temple. Someone who is weak in faith might see you eating there and be encouraged to eat meat sacrificed to idols while thinking it is wrong to do so. This weak believer for whom Christ died is ruined because of your "knowledge."When you sin against your brothers and sisters in Christ like this and cause them to do what they feel is wrong, you are also sinning against Christ. So if the food I eat causes them to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again so that I will not cause any of them to sin." 

Basically, if you know something isn't going to affect your salvation, but someone else thinks it will, but it's ok because you did it, you just caused them to sin. So don't be selfish, be thoughtful of others. Some things that don't matter, really don't matter.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Judge Them?

I'm currently reading through the book of 1 Corinthians, a chapter per day, for my devotionals. Today was chapter five, and I've got to say, I'm a bit taken aback. I'm not going to copy and paste the entire chapter here (even though it really isn't that long) so you need to go read it for yourself. Here's a link even.  
So in this chapter, which is part of a letter Paul is writing to the Corinthians, Paul tells these guys that they can't ignore what's going on in their own congregation. Paul basically says to throw them out so that the church family doesn't become comfortable with overlooking immorality. He says to JUDGE them! Whay?! Here are verses 12 and 13: "It is not my business to judge those who are not part of the church. God will judge them. But you must judge the people who are part of the church. The Scripture says, "You must get rid of the evil person among you." 

We have all grown up hearing, "Don't judge, it's God's job, not yours." But here, Paul says that we are to judge those in our congregation. To judge them in order to keep them accountable. We are all judged by God based on what we do know. Many people in the church just don't realize that being immoral, sexually or otherwise, is completely against God. This doesn't justify their actions, but it does give them a right to knowledge before being judged by God. Those in the church though, know that immorality is wrong, wrong, wrong, and we have a responsibility to keep them on track. 

I glanced ahead at chapter six and I've got to say, I can't wait until tomorrow to read up on that. I am loving getting back into my Bible!!

Happy Sabbath!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Isaiah 55:8-12

"The Lord says, 'My thoughts are not like your thoughts. 
       Your ways are not like my ways. 
Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, 
       so are my ways higher than your ways 
       and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.
Rain and snow fall from the sky 
       and don't return without watering the ground. 
    They cause the plants to sprout and grow, 
       making seeds for the farmer 
       and bread for the people.
The same thing is true of the words I speak. 
       They will not return to me empty. 
    They make the things happen that I want to happen, 
       and they succeed in doing what I send them to do. 

So you will go out with joy 
       and be led out in peace. 
    The mountains and hills will burst into song before you, 
       and all the trees in the fields will clap their hands.'" NCV emphasis added

This verse has just been all over my mind lately. I had never looked at this verse before and actually realized what it said. God is basically saying that, no matter what, He IS in control. He will make things happen. Now I know to some, that seems quite scary and rude, but if you think about it, we humans are in His best interest. He loves us, and He wants us to know if He says He is going to do something, He will do it. We can't think that our pitiful human muscles are going pound their way around it.

When reading this I also understand how important it is for me to trust that God is going to pull through for me. Because what He says, goes. 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Repeated Mistakes, Genesis 12-20

It has been a long while since I read the story of Abram. To kick off my year, I decided to check it out and refresh my foggy memory. Here's what I found.

It seems that even though Abraham is known as a man of great faith, (earning a coveted spot in Hebrews 11 aka the faith chapter), he doubted God quite often. After being sent to wander around to a new homeland by God at age 75, Abram took it upon himself to protect he and his wife. When passing through Egypt, Abram told Pharaoh that Sarai was his sister. God brought on plagues to Pharaoh and corrected Abram. You would think he would have learned by now, right? Well, not quite. He continued to honor God when rescuing his nephew Lot from some crazy kings, but God still had to remind him, "Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward" (Gen. 15:1b). But even then, Abram continued to question God on the fact that he would have a kid to inherit his large fortune.

Over and over, God proved His love and care for Abram and his family, but Abraham continued to falter in his trust. He laughed when the Creator of the universe told him he would have a child at 100 years old! But God continued to love, nurture, and protect him.

I have to say, this definitely gives me hope for myself. It has been a rough summer for me spiritually, and I am so happy to be back at school— a constant environment of peers striving to honor God. I feel that this year is going to be a good one, I just pray God never gives up on me as He didn't Abram.

By the way, Abram and Sarah did have a child, just when God said they would. Their names were changed to Abraham and Sarah, for they were the parents of a great and blessed nation. Now that's gotta strengthen someone's faith!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Real Dreams

I woke up this morning to myself speaking in my sleep. In my dream, I was at a potluck, and someone was trying to shoot me with a disguised gun. I caught them and, after wrestling their little gun from them, I asked them why? Their reply was simply, "because you are happy." Someone would want to kill because I was happy? They were so upset by the fact that they couldn't find happiness, and that was all they wanted in life-- to be happy. I looked at that person and started telling them that the devil was working really hard on them right now. The last thing the devil wants is for us to be truly happy. The only way we can attain that happiness and peace however, it through God. I woke up saying this out loud, and it took me a moment to recognize that my dream was over.

As I write this, I realize why I had this dream. A friend of mine came to me last night, just to hang out and say hi. Over the course of our conversation, she mentioned that she wanted to be happy. We've had this conversation before, and each time I am desperate to tell her that it is possible, but only through God. And I do tell her, but she always brushes it off. So I continue to pray, and be there for her.

I will add a brief disclaimer to finding happiness in God-- you will have sad times, but you will feel His peace if you ask for it, and His love always.

Matthew 5:3-10 NKJV is the perfect way to sum this up:

“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
    For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
    For they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
    For they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
    For they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful,
    For they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
    For they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
    For they shall be called sons of God.
10 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake,
    For theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

God's Chisel

This is so powerful and so true.
Don't miss out on watching this thought-provoking skit. It hits RIGHT on target.
Thanks for loving me, God.

Monday, April 9, 2012


A while back, I heard someone mention that 1 Chronicles 16:8-12 is a perfect example of how to praise God. Here it is:

"Oh, give thanks to the Lord!
Call upon His name;
Make known His deeds among the peoples!
Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him;
Talk of all His wondrous works!
10 Glory in His holy name;
Let the hearts of those rejoice who seek the Lord!
11 Seek the Lord and His strength;
Seek His face evermore!
12 Remember His marvelous works which He has done,
His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth."

Compared to the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:10-13), which Jesus told His disciples to pray to His Father in heaven like, the two are very similar.

"Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
10 Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
13 And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen."

The prayer in Chronicles is a psalm by David, made specifically to thank the Lord. The prayer in Matthew however, is like a template for prayer. I just tend to think of the two together. Whenever I pray I thank God first, because He knows what I'm worried about. He is also a king, so I don't want to complain right away-- I need to be grateful!

Chronicles really epitomizes how we are to worship God: to sing to Him, talk of all the wonderful things He has done, seek Him, all the time!! 

That's what I will try to do today. 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

I Begin in the Middle

I begin in the middle, at least, that's how I think about it. It is really the end of a lot of things; nearing the end of my first year in college, the end of my carefree days, the end of days with no responsibilities. I now begin to have a life of my own, with responsibilities and choices that only I can take care of and make. It's a weird feeling, but I'm starting to get used to it.

I don't want to get used to the feeling however, that I can do whatever I want. I may be old enough, or far away enough from my parents to get away with a lot, but I have to remember that my body is not my own. It was bought for a price.

"For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s."
1 Corinthians 6: 20

That is my aim for this blog: to constantly remind myself and anyone else who reads this; that we are NOT our own. We owe our lives to God, and we need to remember His ultimate goal for our lives: to one day be with Him. This is why I have chosen to name this blog "Not Mine Anyway." It's one of my favorite songs by JJ Heller, and this verse is something I am always reminding myself of when I get worn down with my daily life.

I pray that as I write and you read this blog, we will both discover things that we never knew about God and ourselves and just, life in general. It may be through the mundane, or talking to family, or hanging out with friends-- there is no limit to how God speaks to us.

Happy Sabbath!